Puzzle Piece Murals

As the title suggests, this mural is in pieces. Each piece is printed out, colored in, and hung on a wall in order. For our mural, we bought a PDF kit of pieces to print out. If you want to do the same, the link is in is the Source section below. If you don't want to buy a kit, find an image to color, adjust the size, and print it out in pieces.

"Baby (Cradle)" by Gustav Klimt.

There are puzzle piece murals for paintings created by Gustav Klimt on Art Projects for Kids.


  • Printed out copies of each puzzle piece

  • Markers

  • Tape


  1. Color puzzle pieces. 

  2. Put all of the colored pieces in order.

  3. Hang on wall with tape.


  • Color in, or at least decorate, the whole page (even in-between/empty spaces). It makes the finished project more striking and fun to look at.

  • This is a good project for older and younger kids to do together.


Silly Sentences

At first glance, this isn't a craft. Silly Sentences is actually an educational game available for purchase. The basic idea is to create fun, absurd sentences using puzzle pieces which are separated into nouns, verbs, prepositions, and other parts of speech.

To turn this into an art project, let the kids illustrate these entertaining lines. To make it a writing activity, use the silly sentence to spark a story idea.


  • Silly Sentences puzzle tiles


Toplay with a few kids, divide the pieces between each person. Take turns playing a fitting piece until the sentence is completed.

To play as a group, keep all of the pieces in one pile and let each person choose a piece that will fit.
